Did you forget and leave it behind?

We’ve spoken in the past about the benefits of saving money for retirement by having automatic transfers from your checking account into a savings account. But, what is often forgotten is that workplace retirement account when you leave one job and move on to another. If you leave a job, consider “rolling” the money from the former employer’s plan into a different retirement account or other product. There are some options out there that can enable your money to grow tax-deferred, coupled with the ability to acquire an income you can’t outlive.  Call us, we can help walk you through

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Recycling RMDs

One potential way to save money consistently is to arrange automatic transfers from your checking to your savings account on paydays. This idea can be also applied to RMDs as we get older. While we may be forced to take required minimum distributions out of qualified accounts, there are no restrictions on how you choose to use that money. One idea we’ve discussed with clients is re-saving those funds by depositing them into non-qualified accounts. Call us. We’d be happy to explain how this play can increase your savings. We’re always here to help.

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emergency fund

Follow the Steps

Sometimes it’s best to start with the basic steps when planning for retirement. Are you contributing enough to your 401(k) to get your company’s full employee match? Have you paid off any high-interest-rate debt you may be carrying? Eliminating a monthly credit card or auto loan with a high-interest payment may enable you to save more money than you think. Do you have an “emergency fund” of extra money? This is important, as with this money set aside, you won’t have to dip into your retirement savings if you need cash in a hurry. Once you’ve handled debts and created

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A Dangerous Decade 

The five years before you retire and the next five after retirement are among the most important and vulnerable for a retiree’s savings. The reasoning is that, as you approach retirement, there are far fewer years left to correct or recover from a mistake. The consequence of a misstep during this time can affect your quality of life in retirement, and the likelihood that you’ll have enough to last the rest of your lifetime. If retirement is fast approaching for you, or even already here, you want to make sure you have everything figured out. Reach out to us, we

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Factor in Healthcare Costs 

In the past, we have noted that when planning your retirement finances you need to factor in healthcare costs. Not doing that may cause a depletion of your retirement savings that you did not anticipate. There has been some discussion about the Affordable Care Act and the indication that, for the first time, the U.S. Government will negotiate drug pricing for Medicare, hoping that the new law serves as a pilot program for potentially more widespread negotiated pricing. However, we still recommend that you be cautious and anticipate increases as, if the past is prologue, it could be years before

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“Fair” Meaning “Equal”

We frequently receive inquiries regarding who the beneficiaries should be for the financial products we recommend. And, if the division among multiple beneficiaries should be equal. This brings up an interesting point.  When making this decision, people sometimes place descriptions on their offspring that relate to their current needs or proclivities. What we sometimes forget to think about is that time often changes people and their circumstances. Your son or daughter that is currently employed and financially stable may in the future not be. Meanwhile, the one that historically hasn’t been on the same fiscal page as we are may

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Do You Have a Gap?

There may be a gap between how much you spend and how much you think you spend. This gap should be factored in when trying to determine how much you’ll need in retirement: Probably more than you think. It’s natural to not want to think about this: It can be disconcerting to see what you spend on those one-off purchases that you rationalize in the moment, but don’t factor into future consequences. Call us. We can help you navigate your options to fill this gap and have enough to retire comfortably. 

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life insurance policies

How Are You Looking at It?

Typically, you put a lot of thought towards paying off loans for insurance, on, for example, your house and car. However, life insurance is just as important as other types, and should be thought of in the same way.  Life insurance is often ignored, because we look at it simply as something costing us while alive, for benefits that will only matter when we’ve passed away. However, there are life insurance policies that work differently than you’d expect from them. You can use a life insurance policy to benefit yourself, while you’re still alive. Call us, so we can talk to

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Assumptions About Expenses

Have you ever reflected on the fact that frequently, the final years of your full-time career often coincide with your peak income? However, as your earnings increase, so can your expenses. And if you’re not saving at the same rate, it could be difficult to sustain your lifestyle in retirement.  The reason for this is that many individuals who are not yet retired assume they will need less income in retirement, because the ‘expense’ of saving will no longer be there. They neglect to realize that not only will some expenses increase in retirement, for example, healthcare, but so will

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What won’t work

Will Your Strategy Work?

Heading into retirement, It is essential to understand your options, and what will work best for you. It is similarly important, however, to understand what won’t work. Are you aware of every factor you need to take into consideration going into retirement? If not, your current strategy may not be successful. You can reach out to us to learn more about this.  Read this Washington Post article to learn more about factors that could get in your way.

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