After what I hope was a hearty Thanksgiving day meal, I thought you would enjoy this article which suggests that you “consider throwing a new recipe onto your menu. Ingredients like contributions to an employer sponsored 401(k) program or to fixed indexed annuities can create a deliciously balanced portfolio that can keep you and your family financially full for many Thanksgivings to come.” Call us if you’d like to explore what ingredients are needed to make this “recipe” for you and your family. We are always here to help. Click Here to Read Full Article

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I read an article this week that was directed toward teachers who were revisiting their retirement plan “for when they are no longer lesson planning.” One section of the article in particular caught my eye because it addressed in a very simple way two topics that we always discuss with our clients who purchase Fixed Indexed Annuities, how you don’t lose your principal, and how you do make money. The article states “An FIA uses a unique formula to calculate annual interest based in part on the performance of a stock, bond or commodity index. While the index is used

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Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, it is difficult to understand if changes in our employer pension plans are actually advantageous to us. That’s why I thought you might want to read this week’s article taken from the Harvard Business Review. It explains a few concepts that might help you to put into perspective your employer’s retirement plan. It discusses as “more dangerous yet [is] the shift in focus away from retirement income to return on investment”. Call us if you would like to discuss options for retirement income. We’re always here to help. Click Here to Read Full

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“Why do you think Americans struggle to save for retirement?” This was one of the questions posed to an retirement expert in this week’s article. His response was “If I told you that people spend more time planning their yearly family vacation than they do planning their nearly 20 years of retirement, would that surprise you?” Perhaps one of the reasons this happens is that we just don’t readily know the perfect answer. How do we accomplish this goal that each year seems harder and harder to attain? Call us, we’re here to help and look forward to speaking with

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