IRA Conversion 

Conversions of a traditional IRA to a Roth can differ individual to individual, even where the same sum of money is involved. Let’s take, for example, two individuals, each with $100,000 in a traditional IRA, that the funds were identically invested and would double over 10 years. The tax rate was posed to be 30%. The first individual paid the $30,000 to convert her IRA to a Roth IRA, and as a result had $70,000. At the end, she had $140,000 to withdraw tax-free. The other individual didn’t convert and his $100,000 grew to $200,000. But when he went to

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retirement accounts

Retirement Accounts

With deadlines for filing tax returns approaching we are beginning to remind people that the deadline for making their permitted annual deposits into their retirement accounts is also approaching. Even if you have a Roth IRA you may want to consider the different options you have to both accumulate wealth for retirement, or if you are already retired and taking income from your savings, to obtain growth potential without being vulnerable to major long-term downturns in the market. Call us, we’re happy to explain some choices you have and discuss how they may fit into whatever stage of retirement planning

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Saving for retirement

A Simple cure for that risk

This week’s article tells us “experts want you to start saving as soon as possible, no matter what amount you can afford to put away.” The first goal is to simply get into the habit of saving for the future because the future comes sooner than you think, and “the second is to take advantage of as many compounding returns as you can: The longer your money is invested in the market—even if it’s a smaller amount—the longer it has to grow and generate increasingly larger returns.” The article also tells us “this turns most of us into market watchers.

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