If you have ever wondered how often you should review your annuity portfolio, this week’s article tells us it should be done “as often as you would your other investments”. This is one of the reasons we invite clients for an annual review. Major changes such as a serious illness, stopping work, or health issues can have an impact on your financial planning. We look to help you make the right choices for where you are in your life, knowing that the only constant is change itself. So call us, we’re always here to help you get your bearing, and

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I wasn’t really surprised to read in this week’s article that “When it comes to savings, the gender gap is huge. A recent study indicated that women have 50% lower savings than their male counterparts.” The amount and timing of our savings is dependent on so many factors, some of which we can control and many we cannot. This makes the idea of a looming retirement all the more scary. How can we possibly tuck away enough to totally live on for when we are not employed, if we have difficulty finding extra money when we are working? These and

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From time to time clients will ask me about on-line tools they can use to help analyze and judge their preparations for retirement. Sometimes it is beneficial to insert various figures into an analysis and get a better idea about where you fall in terms of your income needs for the future. This week I thought to provide you with one such tool. Call us when you’ve had a chance to see where you are in your current retirement planning. We can suggest some options to increase your retirement income that you may not have thought about. We’re always here

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This week’s article reminds us that “While high-tech solutions offer tremendous convenience, some things are still much better when they are high-touch. One of these things is retirement planning and creating a financial plan for the future. There are many options and components available when you are building your retirement plan, and professional guidance on how these components can work together can make a significant impact on what your future values will be.” We are always here to provide you with professional assistance in your search for retirement income solutions. Call us, we are here to help.   Click Here

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