What is a Pension? Do You Have One?

The phrase “pension benefits” has come up a lot in recent weeks, especially during the negotiations between the United Auto Workers union and the “big three” automotive manufacturers, narrowly avoiding a strike.  But for the majority of private-sector U.S. workers, pensions seem to have disappeared a long time ago. Pensions have been phased out, but we do still have employer-issued plans such as 401(k)s. There continues to be confusion about the differences between 401(k) plans and pensions. No, they aren’t the same thing, and here’s the big difference:  With a traditional pension, the employer is the one responsible for funding

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Risk Less and Prosper

We found an article recently from AARP that might interest you. It referenced a “safety-first” approach, which is something we have always believed in. The idea is to cover all of your essential expenses with guaranteed sources of income, meaning sources like Social Security, pensions, and annuities that pay you an income you can’t outlive.  If you’re married, your essential expenses should cover not only yourself, but also your spouse as well. Call us if you’d like to review your expenses and your sources of income to see if they’re measuring up to what your needs are. We’re always here

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Growth for Beneficiaries

Life insurance can be complicated. There are several different types of life insurance, and finding the right type for your needs is important. Term life insurance, where coverage expires after a certain number of years, is one type. Permanent insurance, like whole and universal life insurance policies, keep coverage in place no matter how long you live, is yet another. We believe the best insurance policies allow the funds you’ve paid to grow, and you have the ability to pass that growth on to beneficiaries income-tax free. Call us, we can tell you more. We’re always here to help.

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Factor in Healthcare Costs 

In the past, we have noted that when planning your retirement finances you need to factor in healthcare costs. Not doing that may cause a depletion of your retirement savings that you did not anticipate. There has been some discussion about the Affordable Care Act and the indication that, for the first time, the U.S. Government will negotiate drug pricing for Medicare, hoping that the new law serves as a pilot program for potentially more widespread negotiated pricing. However, we still recommend that you be cautious and anticipate increases as, if the past is prologue, it could be years before

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Do You Have a Gap?

There may be a gap between how much you spend and how much you think you spend. This gap should be factored in when trying to determine how much you’ll need in retirement: Probably more than you think. It’s natural to not want to think about this: It can be disconcerting to see what you spend on those one-off purchases that you rationalize in the moment, but don’t factor into future consequences. Call us. We can help you navigate your options to fill this gap and have enough to retire comfortably. 

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The importance of saving up enough for retirement cannot be emphasized enough. Seniors who retire mostly or solely on social security often end up strapped for cash. So, it’s essential to have additional income sources to tap into that can provide additional income. While we know retirement savings should be your main priority, sometimes economic circumstances force us to put aside long-term goals. When that happens, it’s all the more important to determine how that money you’ve saved up can help you now. It’s vital that you find a way to stay protected, regardless of what the market does. Call

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Common Confusion

There still seems to be confusion among retirees about the changes in the law affecting required minimum distributions, or RMDs.  Beginning a few weeks ago, on January 1, 2023, the starting age for RMDs rose from 72 to 73. The new version of the Secure Act will eventually increase the RMD age to 75, in 2033. Pushing back the age for RMDs can be viewed as a benefit for those who can afford to hold off taking distributions as it affords them more time for their retirement savings to grow. Note that if you turned 72 in 2022 (or earlier)

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purchasing life insurance how much life insurance do I need

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

This week’s article may help you to think about why you are purchasing life insurance. There are several different reasons why you would purchase life insurance: Once you understand why you’re purchasing life insurance, that helps you determine how much life insurance you need. Contact us if you need assistance in navigating this and ascertaining how much life insurance you need for your specific situation. We’re always here to help. Click here to read the full article: “How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?”

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insurance company grade

What Does An A+ Mean?

We all remember our school days of worrying about the grades we would receive. What does it mean when an insurance company gets graded? Insurance companies are rated with a letter grade to indicate their ability to meet their continuing obligations. An A+ rating means that they are considered superior. You will usually also see that they are a leading provider of retirement solutions: Fixed and variable annuities Life insurance for individuals Those are the carriers you can count on, just like you can count on us. Contact us, we’re always here to help.

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How Much is Really Enough to Retire?

How much would you consider to be “enough money to retire?” Yes, you want to have enough money to ensure that you don’t go broke, and can afford basic expenses like food, housing, and medical care, but is that really “enough?” What goals do you want to reach in retirement, and what kind of budget will you need to reach them? If you’d like some ideas on how to obtain a source of income you can’t outlive, which may help you reach your goals, reach out to us. We’re always here to help. 

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